Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Obama finally creates real Great Britain

Having solved all the financial problems facing the US right now, Chairman Zero has decided that $1Billion dollars is not too much to spend on our new embassy in London. In order to thwart terrorists of which there are relatively few in London, the Obama administration engineers have spared no expense to install a state-of-the-art, defensive mechanism......a MOAT! I guess since most terrorists are from the middle east which is desert, they never learned to swim.

This is what the new American embassy in London will look like when completed.

There's no word yet on how the stagnant, fetid water in the moat will be kept mosquito free but, since we stupidly banned DDT, the only chemical that kills mosquitoes effectively, all our diplomats and residents in the area of the ridiculous er...embassy, will likely die a lingering, tortured death from dengue fever, malaria, or yellow fever.

The marines who maintain security at our embassies will abandon the traditional uniforms in favor of this....

The marines will be equipped with maces, lances, and broad swords while the embassy itself will be defended by trebuchets on the turrets.

Just for comparison purposes, our embassy in the green zone in Iraq cost half this much.


  1. Don't get me started on U.S. Embassies. They are forts without guns. Foreign policy gone awry.

    Read the book "The Ugly American"

  2. Will the moat be full of sulphuric acid?

  3. What's wrong with the embassy we're in right now, I mean, this seems like a ludicrously unnecessary expenditure at a time when we just raised the debt ceiling to like $14trillion and China and Japan have us by the short-and-curlies, financially speaking.

  4. As we build this new palace in London, maybe Obama thinks we need the security since he's doing everything in his power to turn the UK into an ex-ally. The State Dept has declared us "neutral" in the latest Argentina vs UK dustup over the Falklands. Didn't the Brits kick their asses enougn in 1982? Is Obama tempting them to start another war?
