Friday, February 26, 2010

The brain-dead democrats have a master plan

Here's the democrats' brilliant plan to convince the American people to buy into their economically and socially disastrous health-care scheme: have democrat drones flood the talk-radio lines with Chairman O's socialized medicine talking points. Yeah, that should do it.

Can you imagine a dumb Obama voter attempting to argue with the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, or Boortz about how wonderful single-payer would be? They'll be eviscerated in the first minute. It'll be pure comedy gold.

Chairman Zero just will not accept that the American people do not want this idiocy and the harder he pushes us to accept it, the harder we'll push back at the polls.

1 comment:

  1. I'll get on the soapbox for and against Chairman Zero. "Luckily" I was in the waiting room during my doctor week and had a chance to hear a chunk of the Health Summit. What Did Obama do? During the "equal time" He would repeatedly allow the Dem to go way overtime and then let the Rep speak. If he disagreed with the Rep he would offer a long diatribe on why the Rep was wrong--and then allow no rebuttal. BUT He was correct in doing this when the Rep offered their "plan" for disallowing coverage for pre-existing conditions. The Dems had a clear cut plan bridging a high risk (federal) pool to eventually equal distribrution. Thr Rep plan was rather hazy and involved risk pool plans at the state level until at some time they became somehow competitive with other plans- which without combining pools would never happen . Obama called then on this and they had no real substantial answer except that it would be a state level initiative and would obviously would work better- because ,by golly it was being done at the state level- and even though there is no competition across state lines-it must be better. I guess my point is that both side have valid arguments, both have legitimate mistakes, but the Prez will not let them all be heard equally.
