Thursday, February 04, 2010

In defense of Rahm Emanuel

In reference to far-left democrats who were planning attack ads directed toward centrist democrats, Rahm Emanuel privately called them, "F-ing retards". Of course this caused predictable hysteria and outrage among the political-correct class in both parties as well as the defenders of the handicapped.

Look, that's probably not a term that people should choose to use in public but, this was during a private conversation to a handful of people. If Emanuel wants to use that term to insult people he thinks are idiots, that's his right. And you're free to be insulted and whine about it.

I think for Sarah Palin to call for his firing or resignation over it is overstepping just a tad. What she and the rest of the country should be complaining about is Emanuel's Chicago-style, mob-like tactics to get his way, his awful choices for czar positions in the administration, his behind-the-scenes orchestration of the health-care debacle, cap-and-trade, TARP, corporate bailouts, Obama's international apology tour, the bribes-for-votes scandals that are rampant in DC now. The list of outrages goes on and on. Who cares if he chooses a politically incorrect term as an insult? Is that really the worst thing he's done?


  1. And hey, if the shoe fits, WEAR IT.

    I about had an aneurysm laughing over RE calling them that, and they're just STILL too stupid to realize that even their own party despises them.... so maybe they really ARE retarded, in the literal sense of the word as well as in the derogatory sense.

  2. So what CAN we call someone when we want to be derogatory?

    YOU Ed were PC incorrect when you said "handicapped"--it is , of course, "handicapable".

    He CAN call or think people are idiots IF they meet the IQ criteria (below 29 -defined medically)
    AND might actually have been correct in the term "retards" as that is assigned to an IQ of less than 70 (lower limit varies among sources) -which in Washington, might not be that uncommon

    I am mentally ill. I prefer being called crazy, insane, or psychotic. Because that scares people. And thus is quite impowering. Heh-heh-heh

  3. Hear, hear!

    I'm fat, so call me fat. I don't want to be called "nutritionally challenged" - because 1) It sounds completely asinine and 2) That's not the reason. I'm an MSer with physical limitations, so call me a gimp. Don't call me "mobility impaired." No $hit, I think I know that - and I know I'm a fat gimp. I can deal with it, so why can't they?

    And I like that, "handicapable."

    I think about my kids, who are Deaf (with a big D), stuck with a label of "hearing impaired" and funneled into "special education" classes in the public schools. Just because they "speak" a different language. Do they shove Spanish-only-speaking kids into special ed? Label them as "impaired"? HELL NO, THEY DON'T, because then they're being politically "insensitive." So why is it okay to run roughshod over MY kids? Instead, they screw mine over on their "compulsory" education (which I pay for, through my taxes) by forcing them out of the hearing preschool class and into ONLY a hearing impaired classroom (like that's going to teach them to operate in a HEARING world, right?) but bend over backwards to give those other kids their own teachers and curricula in their own language. They bitch and moan that my kids are BROKEN and need to be FIXED, to try to force them to conform to a language they are PHYSICALLY incapable of hearing, so why not force those Spanish-speaking kids to conform, too?


    There. That's the ticket. We can just call them F***ers instead of F***ing retards.
