Saturday, February 06, 2010

Obama the shameless narcissist

Here's President Obama and his anectodal eulogy of a terminally ill campaign worker who insisted she be buried in an Obama T-shirt.....unbelievable!

This guy has no shame at all! Only a self-absorbed, mirror-gazing narcissist would make a woman's death be all about him and his fight for socialized health care. He couldn't even remember her name....probably because she was entirely unimportant in his self-centric world view and useful to him only as a lead-in to his health care policy argument.


  1. This piece of crap President should be to blame for this woman's death. Why didn't he buy insurance for his campaign worker?

  2. Obama is so used to being worshipped, adored, and loved that the little people around him blend into little more than propoganda tools to be used anectodally to further his political causes. Even if she did insist on the T-shirt, which I don't believe, his saying it exposes his need to be adored by his followers, even on their deathbeds....sickening!

  3. Maybe they sold her estate an old campaign T-shirt at a discount.
