Tuesday, February 02, 2010

When the going gets tough, the ruling hypocrits go to America

It seems one of Canada's premiers, Danny Williams, a huge proponent of that country's single-payer health care system, opted out of that very program when his own health faltered. Instead of languishing for months like his fellow Canadians, waiting to see a heart surgeon, he jetted down to America for immediate heart surgery.

You see, the effete, ruling elites in Canada, who dictate to regular Canadians what kind of horrible, government care they must suffer under, flee to the country with the greatest health care system in all the world for their personal care....the US. Our ruling class here in the US is no different. Do you naively believe that any high-ranking member of congress or government in general, will toil under a single-payer system....I mean if they ever succeed in saddling us with one....like the rest of us?

No, congress, the executive branch, and I suspect the judiciary all enjoy access to exemplary private health care paid for by the taxpayers. How they can exempt themselves and their families from the very disastrous, third-world health care system they're trying to impose on us little people, and do it with a straight face is any body's guess.

If this isn't proof of how abysmally awful single-payer health care is, I don't know what is.

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