Sunday, February 07, 2010

Immigration thugs keep the bums and toss the desirable

This is precisely why the behemoth federal government should be in charge of as little of American life as possible...

Angela Boneva always thought she was an American, never imagining that valued piece of her identity could be stripped away.

Because her father was born in Indiana, an American consulate in Bulgaria bestowed U.S. citizenship on Boneva when she was growing up there in 1981.

Boneva, now 34 and a married mother, settled into a quiet American lifestyle in Niles — until the day a letter arrived from the U.S. State Department, upending her world. In six indifferently worded paragraphs it said, in effect: There was a mistake. You're not an American.

She's now worried she could be deported.

Ms Boneva is an assimilated, functioning, productive, lawful, taxpaying member of society who, through no fault or intent of her own, is the victim of an underachieving flunky bureaucrat's mistake from years ago. And now she's drawn the attention of a smarmy grunt at the immigration dept. who might have her deported. Yet, every year, this same department welcomes with open arms tens of thousands of Mexico's most indigent criminals and bums into the country to sponge of the American taxpayer.

And democrats still want the same bureaucracy that has ruined our education system, bankrupted Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, raped us with corrupt progressive taxation, and ignored the security of our borders, to control our entire health care system?

Unless the intent is to degrade the country into a second-rate nanny-State, why would you want to do something so stupid as deport productive, law-abiding citizens who committed no crime to get here?

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