Monday, February 08, 2010

Washington gridlock....a conservative's delight

My delight in political gridlock in Washington is legendary. When there's gridlock, nothing gets done, and when nothing gets done in DC, spending bills aren't passed and our liberties aren't etched away. This is why I love when the capital shuts down for weather too.....

From MyWay -- WASHINGTON (AP) - Tens of thousands of workers in the snowy Mid-Atlantic region were given Monday off to shovel out from a blizzard that buried some areas in nearly 3 feet of snow as another storm loomed.

Federal agencies that employ 230,000 in Washington will be closed, as will many businesses and school districts across the region.

I know what you're thinking. "But Ed, the kids are missing school too. You can't be in favor of that."

Why yes, I can. Why wouldn't I be in favor of kids missing out on dreadful government education and socialist indoctrination at the hands of underachieving, union teachers? Government shutdowns are always a good thing and the kids missing another day of awful government schooling is a bonus.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Global Warming Apparently starts and stops in D.C.!

  3. Know what's more depressing? The government is still spending all your money- just from the comfort of their own spacious VA suburbian homes thanks to teleworking.

    But our backs are sore from all the shoveling! so there's that.
