Sunday, February 07, 2010

Your federal government is spending tens of millions of dollars to advertise, and encourage participation in the 2010 federal census. Never mind that it will be sent to every single American with a mailbox anyway and census drones will be canvasing neighborhoods to count stragglers too. Among the extravagant expenditures, Obama administration is encouraging grade-school students to become census cheerleaders by annoying their parents about filling it out and sending it in. In one stupid school activity, unrelated to learning, there's this suggestion about making sure your parents participate, "...students could have a contest for the best census 'cheer'".

Here's mine:

Ready? OK!
I can't read but that's OK
President Obama will make my day
With the census they'll comply
'Cause we deserve our slice of pie


2, 4, 6, 8
How do we enumerate?

With mirrors, smoke, and slight of hand
Minorities will soon expand

Detroit and Cleveland and DC too
Will get big checks, paid by you
Though populations all have dwindled
And that is how we'll all be swindled

If you have a good census cheer, leave it as always in the comments thread.

Thanks to Michelle Malkin

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