Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Obama adds to the managerie of oddballs he allows to run the country

Man, Obama just keep breaking down barriers. Not only is he the first black President and has managed in less than one year to dismantle the Constitution and install a child-sex advocate as school-safety czar but, he's now appointed the first tranny to a government post.....

For Amanda Simpson, believed to be America's first openly transgender presidential appointee, the job she starts Tuesday in the U.S. Commerce Department is an honor and the culmination of a career dedicated to understanding military technology.

President Obama recently named Amanda Simpson to be a Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department.
(newscom.com)But what gnaws at her, she says, is the fear of being labeled a token who was hired because of her sexual identity rather than on her merits.

"Being the first sucks," she told ABC News.com.

That's appropriately stated I guess.
Is there no politically correct hoop through which Obama will not leap in order to curry favor with the already fawning media and far-left weirdos?

If Miss Simpson is worried about being a token tranny, perhaps she should stop wearing it on her sleeve and just be Amanda Simpson rather than Amanda Simpson the Tranny. By defining herself based on a superficial surgical procedure, she creates a circus freak show out of herself....the very thing she claims to not want.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Ed.

    And FWIW, I think he's only going to be "the first black president" so long as he's Teh Awesome, or at least not completely f---ing everything up.

    The day they wake up and realize what he's done, he's gonna be #44 on a list of rich old white men, no more black than white and OBVIOUSLY his white half screwed it all up for his black half and, by extension, "all" blacks...
