Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Dumb Africans slaughtering vultures in hopes of hitting a trifecta or covering the spread

For all you pantie-waste whiners who have criticized me for pointing out that a continent as backward as most of Africa is, cannot be transformed into a productive, functioning civilization by merely pouring money and pretend democracy onto it, this story is one of the reasons most of Africa, like a lot of the mid-east, is a God-forsaken wasteland of backward savages....

From Guardian via Belchspeak....

It's a tiny organ that, the superstition goes, holds the secrets of the future. When smoked and inhaled, the brain of a vulture is said to confer the gift of premonition. To put it bluntly, most users hope to sneak a look at next week's national lottery numbers.

Such is the demand for vulture brains to use in muti – traditional medicine – that wildlife experts fear the birds could be driven to extinction within two or three decades. They also warn that hunting could intensify as gamblers seek an advantage when betting on the football World Cup in South Africa.

How can a continent of people who are dumb and primitive enough to think that smoking vulture-brain doobies can confer premonitions, lottery numbers, and soccer-match outcomes, be entrusted with billions in aid money to develop their economies and drag their civilizations out of the Precambrian Era and into the the 17th century? I mean, forget about the 21st century. The 17th would be an improvement.

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