Wednesday, January 06, 2010

David Brooks bemoans his own irrelevancy...heh, heh

The self-described intellectual and token "conservative" over at the New York Times, David Brooks, has been whining about how irrelevant and pointless the "educated class" has become with the awakening of true conservatives.....

From Hotair -- The public is not only shifting from left to right. Every single idea associated with the educated class has grown more unpopular over the past year.

The educated class believes in global warming, so public skepticism about global warming is on the rise. The educated class supports abortion rights, so public opinion is shifting against them. The educated class supports gun control, so opposition to gun control is mounting.

The story is the same in foreign affairs. The educated class is internationalist, so isolationist sentiment is now at an all-time high, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The educated class believes in multilateral action, so the number of Americans who believe we should “go our own way” has risen sharply.

He's right. The "educated class" to which he refers is comprised of snooty, Euro-centric. ivy-league educated, arugula munchers who have lots of degrees and theories but scant little experience in the real world....or basically the same crowd from which Obama has recruited fillers for nearly every political office in his administration.

What Brooks is really lamenting is that the American people are finally waking up from their slumber and aren't following blindly, the self-appointed, north-eastern, intellectual class like him as they lead us toward socialism and slavery to political correctness. We're not forming our opinions based on what our intellectual superiors tell us to believe. We're thinking for ourselves now and their transparent contempt for America, capitalism, and freedom is pissing us off.


  1. It has always steamed me that the people Brooks refers to as "the educated class" have long refered to themselves as "the elite." To my mind, the true elite have always been the special forces guys, the EMS paramedics and ER docs at trauma hospitals, the specialized rescue squads, etc. Not a bunch of over-credentialed paper pushers.

  2. True that. The "educated class" to which Brooks refers are like him. They sit around theorizing about things that they've never done themselves. This is why public policy should be made only by those with real-world experience rather than Harvard-gleened theories.
