Thursday, January 07, 2010

Race quotas for police endanger the public

This is perhaps the stupidest public policy initiative I've ever heard...

The Chicago Police Department is seriously considering scrapping the police entrance exam, sources tell Fran Spielman.

Dropping the exam would bolster minority hiring and avert legal battles, according to one source, while others confirm that the exam could be scrapped to open the process to as many people as possible.

If there are any professions which, without competent, skilled practitioners, bring harm to the public, it's neurosurgery and police. Entrance exams serve a purpose, they weed out the idiots and underachievers. Allowing idiots and underachievers to become policemen in order to fill a race quota is appallingly stupid. Do we really want to give to people who can't pass a simple test, the authority to shoot people? If they can't pass the entrance exam, perhaps minorities should have been paying better attention in school.

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