Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The bloom is off the Obama rose

Obama to world airports, "Hey you guys, tighten up your security"!
World airports to Obama, "Blow it out your ear"!

On the first day of what was supposed to be tighter screening ordered by the U.S. for airline passengers from certain countries, some airports around the world conceded Monday they had not cracked down.

The United States demanded more careful screening for people who are citizens of, or are flying from, 14 nations deemed security risks. But enforcement of the U.S. rules appeared spotty.

"Everything is the same. There is no extra security," said an aviation official in Lebanon, one of the countries on the list.

It looks like Obama has been reading his press clippings and actually believes as they do, that he's the Chosen One, with divine providence to direct others to do as he wishes. As it turns out, not so much...heh, heh. Other airports refuse to stupidly inconvenience their passengers for the pretense of security, as we do ours.

From MyWay

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