Monday, January 04, 2010

New sex crime -- Public Butt-sniffing

I found this over at Belchspeak and couldn't resist swiping it for TRR. It's just too funny....

DUDE!!! Seriously!!!

Thanks Pat. I thought I had pretty much seen it all until I viewed this clip.


  1. I see we are starting the year off on a high note or should I say with some good "scents"

  2. When you start off the new year in the gutter, you've got nowhere to go but up.

    Confucius....or somebody

  3. Ed,
    Yeah, I thought I'd have heard of all the bizarre fetishes by now. And while butt-sniffing may indeed be something that dudes get into, why, pray-tell, does someone choose to go after grocery clerks instead of someone more upwardly mobile? Like bankers? Pro athletes? Congressmen?

  4. Like Ed I thought I had heard or seen it all-have even seen "2 girls,1 cup". But never anything remotely resembling this fetish.
