Monday, January 04, 2010

Dunces at TSA react to panty-bomber

As if airline travel isn't painful enough, the morons at the TSA have decided to inflict still more indignity on us in the wake of the Christmas day panty bomber's attempt at suicide bombing....

The Transportation Security Administration notified airline carriers Sunday of the changes for all flights entering the United States -- with an emphasis on a "full body pat-down and physical inspection of property" for all people who are citizens of or are flying through or from nations with significant terrorist activity. TSA officials declined to name all the "countries of interest" on Sunday, but confirmed that the directive applies to the State Department's list of state sponsors of terrorism.

So, they're going to scrutinize people coming from known sponsor states of terrorism. That would be great but for the fact that the Detroit bomber boarded in Holland. It's as if the Obama administration is doing everything to distract and dazzle us and make us think they are taking action when they are willfully and specifically ignoring the terrorists sneaking on the airplanes.

Obama is like a street magician who distracts you with a dazzling card trick with one hand while picking your pocket with the other one.

Since Lockerbie, every single airline terrorists has been a dark-skinned, dark haired, Muslim male aged 18-40, with a Muslim name. Why don't we try singling out those people for extra scrutiny before boarding, rather than inconveniencing millions upon millions of passengers by telling them they can't go to the bathroom, have a refreshing beverage, take a nap with a pillow, warm up with a blanket, or even stand up in the first or last hour of a flight?

Why are we singling out elderly, white gentlemen for intrusive searches when they're known to not be terrorists, while the dark skinned, swarthy, middle-eastern, Muslim male who paid cash for his one-way ticket and who has no luggage, waltzes unexamined onto the plane? Because this administration values political correctness and the phony approval of European socialists who hate us, far more than it values the lives of American citizens.

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