Monday, January 04, 2010

I don't like spiders and snakes.....

It doesn't get any stupider than people who own snakes or spiders and think of them as pets, as they would a cat or dog....

A 29-year-old British man was referred to an ophthalmologist after suffering for weeks with a red, watery eye that wouldn't respond to treatment with antibiotics.

A close examination of the eye revealed a number of minuscule hairs embedded in his cornea, much to the surprise of both patient and doctor.

After a little probing of his memory, the man recalled he had been cleaning the glass tank that houses his pet tarantula, when the burly arachnid blasted him in the face with a "mist of hairs."

This guy is no less stupid than the people whose children get constricted and eaten by their "pet" python or anaconda. I don't see the pet-appeal of owning reptiles and spiders. They aren't affectionate or loyal or possess any of the adorable qualities we humans love in our pets. They are just waiting for the right opportunity to attack and possibly eat you. Given that, I find little room for sympathy in my heart when people get hurt by these creatures. They were sort of asking for it.

A virtual cookie to the first reader to name the reference in the title of this post....without Googling cheaters.


  1. 1970s Song of the same name by Ray Stevens

  2. Anon, you've got the right decade but the wrong artist.

  3. Jim Stafford BTW!!~!
