Monday, January 04, 2010

Another eminent-domain travesty

Once again the heavy hand of government stretches the Constitution and abuses a private citizen in the process. This is just awful!


[Bloomfield] is again hoping to use eminent domain powers to undertake its long-sought downtown redevelopment, despite renewed legal threats from at least one local business owner.

A slew of ordinances were enacted during a Nov. 9 township council roundtable, granting the Bloomfield Parking Authority (BPA) the ability to use eminent domain to construct a 700-space parking garage on Lackawanna Place.

Having successfully fought off the township's planned use of eminent domain several years earlier, property owner Anthony Ellenbogen is again threatening legal action.

This private property owner rents his building to several small businesses yet the city of Bloomfield is holding a virtual gun to his head to force him to give it up, so the city can build a parking garage to benefit other businesses and apartments in the area. His previous fight cost him tens of thousands of his personal savings and all he got out of it was the right to keep the land that he already owned. This is outrageous! At the very least, the government should have to pay all legal fees associated with forcing an American to give up his private property.

How is this kind of thing happening in America today? No citizen of the US should have to pay anybody for the privilege of keeping the property he already owns.....unbelievable!

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