Friday, December 04, 2009

Like rats from the S.S. Global Warming

Clown-like blowhard and eco charlatan Al Gore, is suddenly looking for cover in the wake of his entire reason for living having been exposed as a sham, heh heh.....

Former Vice President Al Gore on Thursday abruptly canceled a Dec. 16 personal appearance that was to be staged during the United Nation’s Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, which begins next week.

The Goreacle was going to charge eco-bureaucrats at Copenhagen over $1,200 a piece to hear him speak, glad-hand them, and feed them a stupid, vegan snack. But, since man-made global warming is now known to be a total mockery of a sham of a travesty of a sham, thanks to the hacked e-mails, him bellowing about CO2, rising seas, and polar bears just looks ridiculous...and he knows it!

I would hide out for a while too if the basis for my entire, professional life was exposed as lies.

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