Friday, December 04, 2009

Tiger's girls get pwned by a prostitute....ouch!

Remember Ashley Dupre? She's the infamous prostitute whose famous relationship with Eliot Spitzer(Client #9)caused the end of his career. Well, she has some things to say about Tiger Wood's girls....

From FoxNews -- Ashley Dupre is teed off at all those Tiger Woods mistresses coming out of the woodwork.

"First of all, these gals are taking money and gifts while seeing a high-powered celeb", the infamous escort griped yesterday to The Post. "Then, they're blabbing all about it in exchange for money.

Hey, who's ho-ing now?"

"My case in point, here you have all these girls accepting gifts, money, trips from Tiger in exchange for sex -- all the while knowing he is married.

"And now they all can't wait to tell their stories in exchange for even more money from the tabloids?

"And I was the hooker? At least I kept my mouth shut."

I'm afraid Ms. Dupre has a point. The difference between what Ashley did with Spitzer and what these girls did with Tiger is negligible but, then taking money to be a dirty rat, keeping voice mails and texts, knowing that they'd be an ace-card you could play one day, is low down in the extreme. I have more respect for Ms. Dupre.

1 comment:

  1. It also appears that she is the only person not to have slept with Tiger and talked!!!! I'm just not sure which she didnt do!
