Friday, December 04, 2009

Adam Lambert about to be's about time

There's more bad news for heavily-make-uped provocateur and would-be reality entertainer Adam Lambert...

From TheFeed -- ABC cancels another Adam Lambert performance

The network has two more Adam Lambert appearances, this time on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" and "New Year's Rockin Eve."

On his Twitter account, Lambert wrote, "Yes, sadly friends, ABC has canceled my appearances on Kimmel and NYE. :( don't blame them. It's the FCC heat ... I AM doing Leno though. And lookin into something for NYE ... It'll all blow over. Let's focus on being positive! :)"

There's no word on whether Adam's statement, "It'll all blow over" was meant as double entendre. Is it just me or can this talentless moron not go away fast enough?

I know what you're thinking. "But Ed, you're just anti-gay".
Wrong you are!
I couldn't care less about his orientation. I don't appreciate any entertainer cramming overtly sexual, graphic content down my throat....and that's not meant as double entendre.

Exit question: are the ridiculous, skinny ties from the 80's coming back?

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