Monday, November 16, 2009

President Zero embarrasses himself and America....again

Here's the embarrassing money shot of President Obama once again groveling, before a head of state of a foreign country. Last time it was the Saudi King. Over the weekend it was Japan's Emperor Akihito. I wonder how the administration handlers will spin this one? Obama was looking for his contact lens? Or, the Emperor is a bit of a low-talker so Obama had to bend over to hear him speak?

Over at Michelle Malkin's site, they've got several pictures of other heads-of-state greeting the Emperor for comparison purposes. Not one head of state bowed. Not because they're disrespectful of Japan's traditions but, because out of protocol, heads-of-state do not bow to one another. They simply shake hands like gentlemen, as equals. Occasionally you'll see a former President bow slightly to a royal head of state but, it's as a private citizen, not as a representative of the US.

Remember when Michelle Obama met with Queen Elizabeth for which a curtsy is appropriate? The media went berserk saying that it would be unbecoming and derogatory for a black woman to show deference to a white monarch with a curtsy. I guess a black President deeply bowing like a submissive servant to Arabs and Asians is different in the eyes of the media somehow...probably because they aren't white.


  1. I guess you just can't teach some folks some proper things. For Bush it was how to pronounce 'nuclear' and that it is internet (singular). For Obama, it is not to prostrate your nation before the world. Although the Bush bit grated my nerves every time I heard it, this behaviour surely has been explained by cultural protocol experts to him--yet he does it anyway? Why? Maybe I can see it to China as they own US (yes that was a pun) now anyway-but as to anyone else it is degrading to us all.

  2. Maybe this gesture is consistent with Obama's pathological, narcissistic need to be loved by everybody in the world so, he apologizes to those who he thinks America has wronged and ingratiates himself to the rest. Either way, it's unbefitting of an American President ho matter how you look at it.

  3. Bark like a dog for me will you mr. president. Roll over! Sit! Stay!
