Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'll always have a soft place in my heart for our motherland but, jeez Louise! They are completely nuts over there....

Every adult should be forced to use a 'carbon ration card' when they pay for petrol, airline tickets or household energy, MPs say.

The influential Environmental Audit Committee says a personal carbon trading scheme is the best and fairest way of cutting Britain's CO2 emissions without penalising the poor.

Under the scheme, everyone would be given an annual carbon allowance to use when buying oil, gas, electricity and flights.

Anyone who exceeds their entitlement would have to buy top-up credits from individuals who haven't used up their allowance. The amount paid would be driven by market forces and the deal done through a specialist company.

It's hard to laugh too much at Great Britain when we allowed our feckless media to install into our white house an inexperienced, radical, America-hating socialist who's not fit to register voters in south Chicago much less be President. The changes Obama plans for America are far more devastating and harmful to our country than ridiculous, carbon-credit cards would be to England. So I guess I don't have much room to point the finger of mockery but still, individual carbon-credit cards...heh, heh. Don't they know, global warming is imaginary?

From DailyMail.


  1. Don't laugh too quickly Ed, if Pelosi or a pelosiite sees this nonsense "we" may have found a new funding source for alternative fuels because of "climate change" (I'm pretty sure Barack has been savvy enough to elimiate 'global warming' from his rhetoric, but EVERYBODY LOVES "climate change")
    Or money for Health Care.

  2. Whats up with her hairdo? Maybe we need some kind of control on bad hair too?
