Monday, November 16, 2009

And now for something completely different....

There's something not quite right here. I don't know what it is but, crikey! You'd think dad(or the man with whom mom is currently sleeping) would at least button his shirt for the pic. And how about a smile? After all, it's a birthday party. I get why the girl's not smiling, creepy dude with the shifty eyes has his arm around her[shudder].


  1. Het Beav Look I got my hand on this chicks A$$> HEHEHE I said A$$!!!

  2. Mommy looks like she's real into the party mood also. Bet there's a 3-way in the near future for this happy trio. But not Daddy's idea , of course, he had to be coerced.

  3. Him, the chair and the plug just before he is electrocuted for pedophilia, sodomy or some other lovely pasttime. Scum!

  4. I thought this was going to be a story about a male pregnancy. Check the convex tummy.

  5. Fuck and Hell - you creeps for real? It's just a bad picture, typical of any fucking yank these days.

  6. Fuck and Hell - you creeps for real? It's just a bad picture, typical of any fucking yank these days.

  7. Fuck and Hell - you creeps for real? It's just a bad picture, typical of any fucking yank these days.

  8. Fuck and Hell - you creeps for real? It's just a bad picture, typical of any fucking yank these days.

  9. Fuck and Hell - you creeps for real? It's just a bad picture, typical of any fucking yank these days.
