Monday, November 16, 2009

Hats Off To You Mr. Spurrier

My hat is off to you Coach! Good call. Fans of TRR, in case you missed it this past weekend, 'the ole ball coach" managed to place into perspective athletics with a truly classy gesture. He jumped on a tribute to Veterans day and to the Wounded Warrior program. His South Carolina Gamecocks (and the Maryland team) wore jerseys donned with Camo and with military words instead of names. Words displayed were Courage, Integrity, Service, and I'm sure others I can't remember.
Putting the true sacrifice of our service folks into a positive light is a great deal, but also teaches his young men a valuable lesson about their advantages and the costs associated with attaining those sacrifices. Bully for you Coach Spurrier! You once again move to the head of "Class". Thanks from this citizen. I am touched.

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