Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance and gay rights

What ever you think about the Pledge of Allegiance and what it means in terms of gay rights, you have to give this kid props for standing up(or sitting down as it were) for what he believes.....

John Roberts: How do your classmates react[sic]?
Kid: In the cafeteria, I've been repeatedly called a gay-wad.
John Roberts: What's a gay-wad?
Kid: I don't really know.

You can't write comedy gold like that!

Whether you agree with him or not on gay marriage, I defy you to name for me one person, ever, under the age of 21, who has bothered to analyze the Pledge, managed to form a coherent thought on it's meaning and, then apply it to his life....I defy you!

Just so you know my position on gay marriage lest you make assumptions based on my other positions. When it comes to social or cultural questions, I defer to our constitutional guarantee to "pursue happiness". As long as your pursuit of happiness doesn't break the law or in any way impede my pursuit of it, then I couldn't care less how you define and pursue happiness. Look, nobody has made a bigger mockery of the institution of marriage than us heterosexuals. To save my life I can't come up with a way that gays could do any worse.


  1. I don't know why he had to drag gays into his protest and throw in racism and leave out other people who don't get "liberty and justice". Is being a Gay defender a cause celebre' now? Whatever. Anyway I thought we made the Pledge to ensure that we kept to the goal of the Pledge, not that it instantaneously became public and private policy when the Constitution was passed. He is a gay-wad. And I know what that means.

  2. I don't know why he chose the gay-marriage issue as his flash-point. I just thought it was interesting that a 10 year old bothered to think about to what he was pledging. And yeah, he's probably a gay wad.

  3. You can certainly guess who I am, but for this one I will remain "anonymous". This story has now hit my FB with favorable comments such as "this boy should be given his law degree". Guess he found a target audience.

  4. I cannot guess who you are. I looked at the FB page of who I thought you were but, there was no mention of this story on that wall. So, you'll have to give us a clue.
