Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NBC primetime becomes Obama mouthpiece

I've never watched Law and Order. It's a crap show anyway but, when I start getting accosted with talking points of the political party currently holding power, what little chance the show had of me watching vanishes. Law and Order has done just that.....

From Breitbart -- NBC’s “Law and Order” is in its 20th season. The economy is weak, so they have devolved to converting White House talking points into weekly shows. Last week, “Doped” was a farcical equivalent of “Damien Thorn meets Karen Silkwood.” Pharmaceutical companies and Doctors are worse than drug cartels. The killers in the previous week’s episode on such cartels were more sympathetic than the health professionals.

Insurance companies are also evil. Even though they stopped paying for a drug which the writers make clear should not exist, they still come in for criticism for discontinuing payments. In utter frustration, Jack McCoy blurts out, “This is why we need health care reform.”

People don't want to be lectured to by vapid, sanctimonious actors! Their jobs are to entertain us like court jesters, that is all.

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