Saturday, November 21, 2009

Norah O'Donnel attacks a little girl

Intrepid, NBC reporterette Norah O'Donnell, does a hard-hitting piece at a Sarah Palin book signing by ambushing a 17 year old student with "gotcha" questions....

Here's the girl's response later via Twitter, "But unlike Norah I didn't have my note cards with me. I was forced to think on the spot and answer a gotcha question. Her goal was clear, make this teenager look like an uneducated Palin supporting buffoon. To liberals, and the 5 people who watch MSNBC she succeeded. To conservatives, she was the only buffoon during that interview.

Norah O'Donnell ought to be ashamed of herself! Besides, just because Sarah Palin favored the Bush bailout, doesn't mean supporters can't still support her other, very conservative positions. Maybe the girl was voicing her displeasure at Palin's support of the Bush bailout. Disagreeing with a politician on one position doesn't make you hypocritical by remaining a supporter, as Norah suggested.

Heh, heh..."the 5 people who watch MSNBC".....brilliant!


  1. If "gotcha" journalism is asking VP candidate what newspapers they read, or asking young lady to explain a political statement they are literally wearing on there sleeve then maybe we need more "gotcha" journalism. Any adult who can't name a single newspaper is obviously too retarded to serve public office. And people who make blanket political statements or use their chests as a political billboard should be expected (and sometimes demanded) to explain there position. This "little" girl is an intern at the Michigan Republican Party, I think she is old enough, smart enough, and mature enough to participate in the political arena and that includes explaining or defending your positions. The truth is this "little girl" is most likely a Republican because her parents are and since she is still a minor hasn't been exposed to the real world world developed her own opinions. Not saying she would be a liberal or conservative, but its obviously she hasn't thought to much about it and is taking cues from her peers.

  2. Anon, if only your personal lord and savior Obama had been the target of a gotcha question or two from any member of the fawning media, he might not be so arrogant or he might not even be President.
