Sunday, November 22, 2009

Helicopter parents are idiots!

This is what happens when self-absorbed yuppies stupidly apply their cut-throat, competitive lifestyles to their 4 year-old children.....

Test preparation has long been a big business catering to students taking SATs and admissions exams for law, medical and other graduate schools. But the new clientele is quite a bit younger: 3- and 4-year-olds whose parents hope that a little assistance — costing upward of $1,000 for several sessions — will help them win coveted spots in the city’s gifted and talented public kindergarten classes.

Motivated by a recession putting private schools out of reach and concern about the state of regular public education, parents — some wealthy, some not — are signing up at companies like Bright Kids NYC. Bright Kids, which opened this spring in the financial district, has some 200 students receiving tutoring, most of them for the gifted exams, for up to $145 a session and 80 children on a waiting list for a weekend “boot camp” program.

How incompetent as a parent do you have to be to not have prepared your 4 year old for kindergarten such that, you must hire a tutor so your dumb kid can fake the aptitude required to earn a coveted spot at the right school. IT'S KINDERGARTEN, IDIOTS!

This is what kindergarten is for, not solving simultaneous linear equations.


  1. We agree for once, Ed.

  2. Good to hear it capt. It's always nice to find common ground with an obstreperous reader.

  3. Or Captain America - whichever!
