Monday, November 23, 2009

Crotchgrab-apalooza at the AMA's

Why are musicians so obsessed with their own genitalia that they feel the need to constantly touch themselves during performances? In case you missed it, here's dimwitted hack, Janet Jackson doing her impersonation of her pervert brother....better grab a vomit bucket....

Is it just that they know their music is shoddy and second-rate so they resort to gross hypersexualization to get the cretins in the crowd fired up? This is prime-time TV. Kids are watching for heaven's sake! As if seeing artist after artist fondle themselves wasn't disgusting enough, we had to listen to flaming jackass Perez Hilton make vulgar "jokes" about anonymous sex in the men's room backstage....I almost wretched.

In case you didn't realize it, the only musicians that don't hold their genitals on national TV are the country music stars. They aren't yet contributing to the debasement of polite society. Except for the country acts, last night's show was entirely unwatchable.


  1. Becuause of those 15 minutes, Ed - and it works every time.

    It wouldn't if society wasn't obsessed with sexuality.

  2. I think it's more insidious than that capt. I think it's about a concerted effort by the leftists in entertainment to bring about the debasement of civil society to the point that literally nothing is considered wrong and therefor no behevior should be judged as inappropriate by anybody. Moreover, it's the pervasive dogma directed at children by entertainers that sex is an acceptable form of communication and expression, regardless of the venue and age of the communicators. It started with our being lectured by the media in the early 80's to not judge the sexual behavior of gay men as it related to the wild-fire spread of aids...and it continues to this day with performances like this one.

  3. Ihave always been dumfounded aboutthe crotch grab as any sort of artistic impression. Mybe once during a performace as part of a total body arsy thing i.e. slide you fingers throught your hair, hug you torso, and move on down with genetalia simple being there. But Michael, Satan rest his soul, spent about 95% of his performances doing it and it was totally discusting. (PS sorry about the spelling someone spilled a drink on the keyboard)
