Friday, November 20, 2009

It's come to this....women may become prostitutes to escape global warming

This is how utterly stupid believers in global warming have become. First they reflexively imagine the worst possible scenario regarding the human condition and then blame the possibility of it, no matter how remote, on global warming.....

From GMANews -- Suneeta Mukherjee, country representative of the United Nations Food Population Fund (UNFPA), said women in the Philippines are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change in the country.“Climate change could reduce income from farming and fishing, possibly driving some women into sex work and thereby increase HIV infection,"

Then, without even thinking for a minute about what they just said, they present a contradictory argument that has nothing to do with weather.....

“We have already exceeded the carrying capacity of our marine environment. But as the sea’s resources are depleted due to overpopulation and overfishing, fishermen start losing their livelihood and women are forced to share the traditional role of the man in providing for the family."

So which is it that forces Philippine women into prostitution, global warming or man's over use of resources? This is how willfully ignorant these sycophantic believers are. Literally any eventuality, present or future, can and will be blamed on imaginary climate change.