Friday, November 20, 2009

Artur Davis wants to be governor of Alabama

Congressman Artur Davis(D) Alabama, wants to be our next governor. This might explain why he's abandoning Nancy Pelosi, other congressional democrats and, his own Congressional Black Caucus to vote against any health-care bill that includes a public option and higher taxes on the wealthy, as well as voting against stupid climate-change legislation. Alabama is very conservative and he would stand no chance of getting elected if he supported disasters like the current health-care bill and cap-and-trade.

Earlier this week, Jesse Jackson harshly criticized Davis for his lone black vote against health-care saying, "You can’t vote against health-care and call yourself a black man.” and in doing so injected race for the first time into the debate over health-care reform. What Jesse Jackson doesn't understand is that his criticism is probably the biggest endorsement he could have given Davis. I mean if the skeevy Jesse Jackson dislikes you, you can't be all bad.


  1. If I run for governor will Jesse say bad things about me too? Boy that would be cool!!

  2. If you are white Bobby, Jesse has already said bad things about you.

  3. White and a redneck! Guess I qualify as a target for the Rev. By the way, where does he preach? Where did he go the seminary school? After dropping out of the Chicago Seminary School to focus on the civil rights movement, he graduated from where. He says he is a Baptist minister, not the Baptist that I know. No church, ever, just a bunch of hooey spewing from his mouth. I thought ministers were there to breath comfort to all, not stir up anger and hatred, but maybe thats just me!
