Thursday, November 19, 2009

Naval Economic Stimulus Package

Posted by Reid:

Today we have an unprecedented opportunity. We can actually help the economy and some of the general public, create jobs and have a good time at the same time.
You see the Somali pirates are still operating in the waters off the coast, making shipping in the region hazardous and thereby creating an economic problem for the entire planet. Well I have a solution. Take the average southern deer hunter. Pay him $1000 to take a boat ride and shoot anything close. He gets to drink free and shoot at the same time. Good bye Somali Pirates. Hello safe shipping. Most of the good ole boys would probably pay the shipper if they could mount the trophy head after they shoot it. Wonder how a taxidermist would deal with that?


  1. Looks like you are having some keyboard issues (LOL) but I bet there are some deep-woods Southern taxidermists that would be glad to help out.

  2. I would love to take a sniper rifle on a container-ship voyage and be responsible for fending off the pirates. I would pay money for a vacation like that. It could be an all-inclusive get-away. They privide you with all the food and beer you want and all you have to do is bring night-vision goggles, binoculars, your rifle and ammo. I'm serious, I'd pay money to do that for two weeks.

  3. See how my stimulus package works! Ed's givin to go and somebody else can take to go. Regardless, Somalis start dyin and the seas become safe again, except for the occasional "hurricane storm, rogue wave, etc. Anyway Ed gets to bag a Somali Trophy for the Dining room wall. NICE
