Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where Do We Go From Here?

I found this on Fox news website, it apparently is an AP wire story.
This is the incarceration photo of Alyssa Bustamante, age 15. She has been arrested for the murder of a 9 year old girl. Her reasoning to the authorities was that she just wanted to know what it felt like to kill someone. Alyssa will be tried as an adult. And should be!
What a waste. Where were her parents/ What were they doing while they should have been involved in this girls life? She tries to commit suicide at 13 and they don't realize there are problems in Denmark. The real trial should be by DHR on the 2 parents to see if they should be jailed for life for just allowing this to happen. Normally I would remain out of a fray of this type, but this one has to many indicators pointing at poor/ absentee parenting. She lies about attending church services to attend a concert in St. Louis (about 2 hours away from her Jefferson City home town). Wonder how a 14-15 year old got there. (I am sure she took the bus). You think she was with a real good crowd at that event? She spends the night in the woods, digs 2 grave holes. She manages to strangle, stab and slice her 9 year old neighbors throat, bury her, and almost get away with it, with apparent plans on finding out again what it feels like a second time, based on the empty second grave. What a waste.
She is under the guardianship of her maternal grandmother, and it appears that the Dad isn't in the picture. Too bad for all concerned, but especially the neighbors who lost a beautiful 9 year old. What a tragedy. Where do we go from here. The gutter is getting filled with this crap, and there is little room left to store the refuse of life that is growing at an alarming pace.

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