Friday, October 02, 2009

Obamamania ain't exactly lighting the world on fire

Chicago rightfully lost it's bid to host the 2016 Olympics, despite Barry and Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey gracing Copenhagen with a personal visit. Here's CNN's reaction...heh, heh....

The arrogant CNN anchor cannot believe that anybody on Earth would dare go against the wishes of The One. I think Rahm Emanual had better realize that the bloom is off the Obama has been for a long time. The world doesn't swoon and get the vapors the way Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann do, every time Obama speaks. Nor are they mesmerized like simple-minded school children, by his glycerin-tongued delivery of speeches he reads off a teleprompter, the way half of America still is.

Good for Rio de Janeiro! This'll be the first time the Olympics have been hosted by a south American city.

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