Friday, October 02, 2009

The end of the road for the Breck Girl

If the Breck Girl was entertaining thoughts of revitalizing her political career, this ought to nip it in the bud....

Elizabeth Edwards has finally had enough - she's threatened to divorce her cheating husband John and claim her share of their $53 million fortune!

The ENQUIRER has learned Elizabeth dropped the divorce bombshell after learning a former campaign aide is claiming Rielle Hunter, the mother of Edwards' love child, isn't the only woman he seduced on the campaign trail!

Furious at his betrayals, Elizabeth - still battling Stage 4 breast cancer - has vowed to destroy her husband of 32 years by disclosing everything she knows about his political career in divorce court, insiders say.

I don't care really what John Edwards does in his private life. Elizabeth was his enabler this whole time and by allowing it to happen right in front of her and then standing by him afterwards, she gave her implicit permission for it to continue.

What I'm happy about is the utter failure of his personal and professional lives. As a skeevy trial lawyer, he hypnotized stupid jury after stupid jury with his slick delivery, boyish charm, enviable hair, and absurd medical claims and pushed many perfectly capable doctors out of the profession of medicine. He's a lying scumbag and deserves whatever his wife can get out of him.

1 comment:

  1. Nuthin better than a little trench warfare, especially when 1 side is a female scorned . Gutter fightin is always fun to watch. 10 rounds of rock-em sock-em fun. "No rules in a knife fight... eh Butch!"
