Friday, October 02, 2009

Philippines declare State of giggles

Now before you send me a bunch of hate-mail, I'm not making light of the awful weather situation in the Philippines but, this headline struck me as funny....

Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The Philippines declared a national “state of calamity” as Typhoon Parma headed for Luzon, where recovery efforts continue six days after Tropical Storm Ketsana devastated Manila and its surroundings, leaving 293 people dead.

"State of Calamity"? Why not State of Emergency like everybody else? I guess "emergency" doesn't adequately describe the devastation caused by the typhoon. So I started thinking what might qualify as a more severe state than "calamity". Perhaps a "State of Cataclysm" or "State of Apocalypse" but, the authorities are probably reserving those declarations until the Tribulation associated with the rise of the anti-Christ, what with the bothersome pestilence, Armageddon, and unprecedented human suffering we'll experience during the last days of Earth.

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