Monday, October 19, 2009

Gordon Brown, the world's preeminent, global-warming kool-aid guzzler

British twit, Gordon Brown, has completely and utterly bought into the whole global warming hoax...

Here's a little more if you can stop laughing long enough to read it....

The UK faces a "catastrophe" of floods, droughts and killer heatwaves if world leaders fail to agree a deal on climate change, the prime minister has warned.

Gordon Brown said negotiators had 50 days to save the world from global warming and break the "impasse".

The abject stupidity of global-warming sycophants knows no bounds. These world leaders would knowingly devastate their own economies with ridiculous cap-and-trade schemes, impossible emissions limits, and punitive taxes on unfavorable industries, on behalf of a phenomenon that exists only in the demented, fevered mind of Al Gore.

If Obama goes to Copenhagen and signs the 2009 version of Kyoto, you can kiss America's dominance and industrial leadership goodbye and with it, thousands of jobs which will go to China and India where there are no idiotic, self-imposed limits on industrialization.

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