Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The cat-box liner of record

The litter-box liner known as the New York Times has hit hard times lately....

The New York Times plans to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs – about 8 percent of the total – by year’s end, offering buyouts to union and non-union employees, and resorting to layoffs if it cannot get enough people to leave voluntarily, the paper announced on Monday.

I realize that advertising revenue for newspapers is dramatically down across the board because of the Internet availability of news. So naturally, large news organizations like the NYT would have to downsize to remain competitive and viable. That said, more people would be reading the Times if they weren't so blatantly left-wing. Right there, they've alienated half of their potential readers because of an ideological slant to news presentation that many consumers don't appreciate.

Yet, in the face of massive layoffs, plummeting circulation, and it's stock at "junk" status, the morons over there won't stray from regurgitating the democrat party line given to them each morning by Rahm "twinkle-toes" Emanuel. I guess they're going to ride the Grey Lady straight into the ground....unless Obama directs a newspaper bailout to save them.

Years ago I used to pick up a copy of the Times regularly, just to attempt the crossword puzzle but, I can't support an organization that pretends to be a responsible news outlet but, in reality is nothing but an enthusiastic mouthpiece for liberalism. I haven't bought the Times in at least 10 years.

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