Sunday, October 18, 2009

I think I'm gonna hurl

As usual, the media give The One credit for something with which he had nothing whatsoever to do...

From Michelle Malkin--

Bill de Blasio, a candidate for public office in New York City this fall, put his family in his campaign mailings and TV ads, there was nothing routine about it. De Blasio’s wife of 15 years, Chirlane McCray, is black, his children are of mixed race and, even in one of America’s most liberal cities.

With Barack Obama having rewritten the history of race relations in this country, de Blasio may be demolishing one of its last taboos, “For so long in American history, interracial couples went out of their way to keep their relationships out of the public eye that it’s remarkable to see them used in a campaign like this,” said Peggy Pascoe, a historian of interracial marriage at the University of Oregon, who referred to the campaign as “a post-Obama phenomenon.”

That’s a perception McCray said she shared. Obama, she said, “opened a door” and “made it easier for us to go there.”

If Obama is such a racial healer and bridge builder, then why do liberal blacks to this day mock and ridicule any black person who dares stray from the democrat plantation to be conservative or republican? They are called porch-monkeys, uncle-Toms, Oreo cookies, house-Negroes, you name it. I don't remember Obama defending Condi Rice when she was called Bush's house negro by the print media. Neither Obama, nor any self-congratulatory democrat, has done anything to improve race relations in America. With only a few exceptions, Americans have accepted bi-racialism for the most part because we are an accepting nation. Most Americans judge people based on their character, not the skin color of their mate....haven't we heard that somewhere before?

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