Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West is a bottom-feeding douche!!!

I don't watch stupid awards shows. Who needs to see preening, self-absorbed, nitwits acting stupidly when we already have Congress?

At the VMA's last night, teen sensation Taylor Swift had just started her acceptance speech for Best Video, when racist moron Kanye West ran up on stage, grabbed the microphone right out of her hand, and announced that Beyonce' had the best video.....what a douche!

He's been acting like a jackass ever since he announced that George Bush hates black people, right after Katrina. If a white artist had grabbed the mic from a black winner during her acceptance speech, in favor of another white artist, there'd be hell to pay for it. But, if you are a member of a politically-favored, minority class, anything you do is justified in the eyes of guilty white people...unbelievable!

I would love to have seen Taylor smack him right in the mouth with her trophy.


  1. Um...nobody likes Kanye West however,your RACIST rant is irrelevant and has nothing to do with the issue at hand which is rudeness...Kanye would have grabbed the mic from any other potential winner if Beyonce failed to win the award for that category...there's no need to inject identity politics into a simple case of kanye being a douche!

  2. Wrong you are, Brian. This cretin has established a pattern of racist behavior and there's no way you can state with a straight face, that he would have humiliated any black artist the way he did Taylor Swift. He just wouldn't have done it. That makes it racial, not my pointing it out.

  3. The other point is that he could muscle this 87 # girl. If the Jonas Bros,were the winners, he would have had a fight on his hands (even though they don't appear to be much either. ) It's time for people like Brian to quit pointing fingers and to actually do something. West needs to learn to behave like a decent human and Brian, et al, need to quit pandering him as if he is anything more than the spoiled baby he acts like (those actions got him to act like he does). He should be banned from future award opportunities. Grow up and quit whining for someone who doesn't need it or want it.

  4. "You've had yo turn Biatch. Now give me that mike I gots to shout out to my main man Barak. Sup man.."

    Oh my bad, this isn't a write a line contest.

  5. Taylor Swift is a musical genius. The dude, however you pronounce his name, contributes nothing to society.

    I don't watch these shows and didn't see this one but this dude should have been violently ejected from the premises.

  6. I believe the MTV execs on site, to their credit, asked him to leave immediately out the back door. He won't bear any real damage for this, as long as he keeps crying racism and positioning himself as a champion of black artists. Pity.
