Sunday, September 13, 2009

Out comes the race card....again?

In case you missed it Saturday, Serena Williams was down 15-30 in the last game of the last set of the semifinal match with Kim Clijsters, when an Asian line judge called a foot-fault on her. Here's her reaction....

The foot-fault cost her one point, taking the score to 15-40, double match point for Clijsters. Then her tirade at the judge cost her another point which ended the match. Whether the foot-fault was a good call or whether it should have even been called at that critical time in a semi-final match of a major tournament, is up for debate but, already, the race hustlers are out crying racism. Here's a typical comment from somebody who used the name Changewecanbelievein....figures.

"A foot fault would never have been called on Sharapova. She's a beautiful WHITE woman. Just what the elite tennis hypocrites want as the "face" of tennis. Admit it, this is racial."

To believe that the Asian line judge conspired with the tennis elites in Flushing Meadows to oust the black players early so they can have an all white final beyond preposterous! But, in the coming days, you watch ESPN and see if some race cards start getting thrown on the table over this.


  1. I SWEAR! This is the silliest thing Ever! How are we to move forward re: 'racial issues' when they keep getting drug back out, slung around & trivialized in this manner?? Utter Insanity!!

  2. The Asian line judge, a person of ethniticity and color as well as Williams made a call. Good or bad is only for the USTA to judge. Williams needs to learn restraint and diplomacy in lieu of her McEnroe-ian slanderous outburst. I still don't get how racism is present when both participating parties are etnic women.
