Monday, September 14, 2009

Shame on litterbug liberals!

Over at Gateway Pundit, there is a photo essay that shows the telling difference between conservatives and liberals. First, is the National Mall after two million conservatives gathered on Sept 12th....

And here is Washington D.C. in the wake of liberals gathered for The One's inauguration....utterly disgusting!!!

Democrats are supposed to be the protectors of the environment but, they are nothing but a bunch of dirty, verminous litterbugs.

Conservatives left the capital exactly as they found it because conservatives take responsibility for ourselves. Liberals think everything is somebody elses responsibility. Food, shelter, clothing, mortgage payment, rescue from's all somebody elses responsibility to provide it.

Let's hope the 9-12 demonstrations marked the beginning of the end of these street vermin trashing the country the way they trashed the capital.

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