Friday, August 07, 2009

Idiots just can't stay out of trouble

Remember those idiots who narrowly avoided being eaten by the tiger in San Francisco because they were taunting him..and their friend did get eaten? Not surprisingly, they're back in the news.....

Two brothers famous for surviving a tiger attack at the San Francisco Zoo in 2007 were arrested after police found an open vodka bottle in their car during a traffic stop.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe told the station that the officer smelled marijuana and found the open bottle of Grey Goose vodka.

The brothers were first in the news after a Christmas Day tiger attack that killed their friend, Carlos Sousa Jr., before authorities arrived and shot the animal to death.

The Dhaliwals were injured in the attack. At the time, they were suspected of taunting the tiger, named Tatiana, but that claim was never proven. They won about $900,000 in civil lawsuits against the zoo.

All that money because their friend got eaten by a tiger, and all they've done with it is buy drugs and graduate to a better brand of vodka....morons! If any two people, who by being mauled and eaten by a tiger, would benefit society, it's these two worthless pieces of crap!

Looks like Tiger bait to me.

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