Friday, August 07, 2009

The Love Boat for envirnomentalists

I swear, if it's possible to get any dumber than the global-warming solutions crowd, I'd like somebody to point it out to me! Here's the latest idiotic idea to stop a phenomenon that isn't even ships.....

The project would see 1,900 wind-powered ships ply the oceans sucking up seawater and spraying minuscule droplets of it out through tall funnels to create large white clouds.

These clouds, it is predicted, would reflect around one or two per cent of the sunlight that would otherwise warm the ocean, thereby cancelling out the greenhouse effect caused by Carbon Dioxide emissions.

Have you ever heard of anything so stupid in your life.....I mean besides the American people allowing the feckless media to install into the oval office, a third-rate, community organizer who told us before hand he would fundamentally change our way of life?

How many trillions of dollars would 1,900 of these stupid ships cost? And what self-loathing country will volunteer the wealth of it's productive class to pay for it? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.


  1. Yeah, let's screw with the environment a little more. You know, since it's only been the coldest summer on record for multiple states in the midwest - second coldest on record in Michigan - and our idiot governor is applying for disaster aid since IT'S BEEN SO COLD AND CROPS ARE NOT GROWING.

  2. Yes let's spray SALT water into the air. Surely none of the ionic NaCl will make it to landfall and poison the soil. And what becomes of the clouds-they become rain somewhere --so who's the lucky place that gets the floods? And if the earth is heating up aren't there more clouds forming anyway due to increased water evaporation from the heat? So if the cloud thing works wouldn't the earth treat itself since it would be making more clouds on it's own??? And if CO2 is the problem how does this come close to even addressing that??? GOD THIS IS SO FUCKING STUPID!!!!!
