Friday, August 07, 2009

Your basic Alabama football fan

As wrong as both things are, it's one thing to do it with your hottie teacher but, it takes guts to have a relationship with your principal's wife....

The estranged wife of a Lawrence County High School principal is accused with giving alcohol and drugs to a 16 year old student.

Rebecca Nichols is charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

She's also accused of having a sexual relationship with the victim. Police say they haven't filed sex charges linked to the relationship because the boy is 16, and he claims he initiated the contact. The arrest comes after the boy's mother filed a complaint with police.

I love when these Alabama fans get busted doing something stupid. They always wear their Crimson Tide gear for their mug-shot...heh, heh.


  1. But Fatso here ain't even luke warm Ed or do I need a new pair of glasses!!

  2. Maybe her hottness to the kid, was derived from her being the principal's wife. You know, the more forbidden the fruit, the sweeter the taste and all that?

  3. I am sure I will get alot of negative feedback from my comment but here it goes......
    I am a close friend of Rebecca Nichols, I have known her for 18 years. The accusations that have been made against her are nothing but lies. It is nothing but the other family seeing an "easy way to make some cash"!! Everyone is so quick to place judgment on a woman they do not even know. So I would suggest you pray for her instead of judge her because you have no idea what this has done to her and her reputation. Need I remind you that these are ACCUSATIONS not proven facts!
    God Bless each one of you!!

  4. DDR, while you may be technically correct in that she hasn't been convicted of anything yet, the cops don't drag the principle's wife in on these kinds of charges for nothing. Now, if it's shown later that her estranged husband, the principle, trumped up these charges in order to reduce his alimony or to get custody of their kids or something, then I'll be the first to apologize but I haven't heard anything of the sort in the news. Let me know if that's the case.
