Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Obama's double standard regarding their children

Everybody in the media gets hysterically defensive if they sense a hint of politicization of the Obama girls, Sasha and Malia, taking place but, tell me this isn't politicization....

From DailyMail -- Her father had just won agreement from the Russians to cut back on the world's stockpiles of nuclear weapons.
And Barack Obama's eldest daughter was obviously keen to make her own statement on the issue - even if it was merely a fashion statement.

Just 48 hours after the U.S. President signed agreements with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev to reduce weapon stores, 11-year-old Malia Obama was spotted wearing not one, but two T-shirts with an anti-nuclear message.

She wore the tops emblazoned with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's famous logo as her father prepared for three days of G8 talks in Italy.

You can't as President, go to Russia, our cold-war enemy, and discuss nuclear disarmament, while having your daughter conspicuously adorned in anti-nuclear garb, and claim that it's just a fashion statement or coincidence. The not-so subtle message from Obama is that Putin/Medvedev should disarm Russia for the children specifically, if not for the world in general. It is a blatantly inappropriate use of his children in a political context but, the media will defend him for it and praise Malia for taking a stand for peace[sticks finger in mouth, makes vomit face].


  1. I wouldn't be so quick to point the finger at the Prez. for this fashion display. It may have been her idea to support 'Daddy'. When I first came out as gay my eldest daughter was about this age. I was marching with the church in the Birmingham Gay Pride Parade and was surprised when my daughter came out of the crowds to tell me she supported me. Then I saw her Mother and her Mom said my daughter told her (Mom) that my daughter had asked to come. I had no idea. So perhaps before you lash out, think that maybe Malia was showing support for Daddy on her own and that she was not some global pawn.
    Now if it happens at every conference, I would say I don't think she likes Daddy THAT much.

  2. I reject your argument Bill. Nothing to do with first families is left to whim, especially when it comes to presenting the children to foreign countries. Every last detail of the facade is micro-managed by an administration handler, designed to illicit some reaction. Plus, given that craven liberals use "the children" as an excuse to enact all manner of bad policy, this is too obviously theatrical to chalk it up to Malia innocently supporting her daddy. C'mon, you're more cynical than that, Bill.

  3. I'm going to give her one "bye" as they say in tennis. But if the trend continues, I will have to admit defeat. My daughter Melissa has shirts like these--its a recent retro fashion thing--so maybe my vision is blurred by that. I'll have to "see".
