Friday, July 10, 2009

Bull in Pamplona, just doing what bulls do

It hasn't happened in like 15 years but, you knew it was bound to at some point....

PAMPLONA, Spain — A charging bull gored a young man to death Friday at Pamplona's San Fermin festival, the first such fatality in nearly 15 years. Nine others were injured in a particularly dangerous and chaotic chapter of the running of the bulls.

The San Fermin festival Web site said the unidentified man was gored in the neck and lung during a run in which a rogue bull separated from the pack, which is among the worst things that can happen at Spain's most popular fiesta.

Running with bulls down 800meters of slippery, narrow street, with no where to escape, is perhaps the stupidest of traditions...EVER! Actually, I'm shocked that somebody doesn't get gored to death every year. That men from all over the world travel to Spain every year, just to do this, alone explains the disparity between life-expectancies of men and women. Scientifically, it's been shown that the risk-aversion part of the brain in men doesn't mature until about age 25, while in women, it matures in their teens. Of course this is evolutionarily advantageous but, risking your life stupidly is beyond the realm of survival of the fittest.

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