Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Al Gore jumps the shark by validating Godwin's Law

As creepy leader of the cult of environmentalism, Al Gore has been struggling lately since people everywhere are getting wise to the idiocy of climate change legislation since it'll cost us all billions, while enriching him. So what's a lying self-promoter to do? Why invoke Hitler of course because, who can argue with you after you've called your opponent a Nazi, regardless of how stupid the comparison?

The former US Vice President said the world lacked the political will to act and invoked the spirit of Winston Churchill by encouraging leaders to unite their nations to fight climate change. He also accused politicians around the world of exploiting ignorance about the dangers of global warming to avoid difficult decisions. Speaking in Oxford at the Smith School World Forum on Enterprise and the Environment, sponsored by The Times, Mr Gore said: “Winston Churchill aroused this nation in heroic fashion to save civilisation in World War II.”

A losing argument is best indicated by one opponent calling the other one a Nazi or otherwise comparing him to Hitler in some astoundingly inappropriate way. Thus Al Gore invoking Winston Churchill and WWII in a debate about global warming, is a direct validation of Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies which says that, the likelihood of a reference or comparison arising, of one's debate opponent to Nazi's, increases as the discussion or debate progresses.

It is generally accepted that when one debater invokes Hitlerian name-calling in an argument, they have essentially conceded the argument. It's a sign of desperation when logic and reason have failed you utterly and you have nothing else with which to debate....just like Al Gore in the global warming debate.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, when you resort to name calling, you've pretty much run out of facts.
