Wednesday, July 08, 2009

It's finally come to this

I always suspected that scientists would at some point render the male half of our species redundant but, I didn't think it would happen in my lifetime.....

From the Telegraph: British scientists have created human sperm using stem cells in a medical first that could revolutionise fertility treatment, they claim.

So, if women can literally manufacture their own sperm for fertilization, what is the inevitable end result for men as a co-species? Are we men destined to be anything but a sub-species, relegated to domestic roles like takers out of trash, walkers of dogs, and openers of jars? Let's face it, collectively, women would rather hang out with each other and tolerate men because we are their only source of sperm....and because we'll wash their car. Now, we're not even that useful.

Boys, this doesn't look good for us.


  1. By the way they have also made egg cells from male stem cells. So now all we men need is an artificial uterus and we too would be free at last, free at last! So Ed the outlook is not as bleak as it seems. And I would bet "they" can trick a non-human uterus to gestate a human child. So don't think the women have won.

  2. Good thinking Bill but, the caveat is that men want women, women don't want men.....they merely put up with us. Because of that, we are at a distinct disadvantage. Life is like a factory, it's a struggle to see which half of the work force gets replaced with automatons first.

  3. I didn't read the article. But how do they program the genetics into the sperm? Its an amazing advancement, but all of the resulting kids might have blonde hair and blue eyes.

    But the women will never be rid of us or there will be millions of unopenable tomato sauce jars.

    On the flip side, if homosexuality really is genetic instead of a choice, we can be rid of the gay rights problem in a single or two generations.

  4. BelchSpeak said that we could rid ourselves of homosexuality with this new technology. "Unfortunately" it might become even more rampant as 2 women could show up to clinics to have one become the "sperm" donor for their gay child---or 2 men go to the clinic and one becomes the "egg" donor for their child with a rented/artificial uterus. So I could have a baby with my husband!!!
    Yes, I am Gay.
    And if you don't think that some clinic somewhere will set up this arrangement, just look at the states jockeying for gay dollars by passing gay marriage---and I am not a fool, I know it is the $$$ that matters, not the civil rights. Some states outright try to "sell" the idea to the electorate as a way to increase tourism.
    So am I "proud" to be gay? No I just happen to be gay. I am no more proud to have brown hair. But I do feel that I should be treated like any member of society.
    Would I have a child with my husband with this technology. HELL NO! I think we started in vitro we set ourselves on perilous path, and that eventually all people may be designed gene by gene, with no mating whatsoever. A scary world indeed.

  5. Bill - Why did you march in a gay pride parade then? If you aren't proud and just want to be treated like any other person?? Most people don't march in parades celebrating or making a show of their sexuality.

    About the sperm... I had to laugh at all of this - especially "women don't want men..." That resonated with me after cleaning out the !@#$%^& shed, but don't worry -some women like a warm muscular body - and sex. I for one am not voting men off the island anytime soon. And I don't even get my car washed! ;-)

  6. I'm with Tracie on this one. Gimme a strapping muscular man any day over some catty perpetually premenstrual witch!

  7. When I just came out, I thought doing parades and stuff was what was you were supposed to do. As I have matured I still go to some gay pride activities-- but because there are some fun parties there. I don't march in the parade or do any form of demonstration/protest/etc. I think much of what goes on does not really represent me and a lot is downright embarrassing.
    And I don't think men and women will give up each other any time soon. I just think it is naive to think you can "clean-up" gayness especially when it exists in nature. I am writing this between coffee and working out, but if someone wants the reference for a book detailing homosexuality in nature I can post it later.
