Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nation-building cannot be successful in Africa

As if Obama hasn't wasted enough of our tax dollars already with corporate bailouts, porkulus trillions, and promises of goody-bags of other peoples' money to the undeserving, now he's going to urinate still more of our blood and treasure down the God-forsaken rat hole that is Africa.....

The US is planning a dramatically more assertive policy in Africa, sometimes backed by a threat of force, to end conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria that are seen as among the principal obstacles to the continent's revival.

Do we really want our sons and daughters dying in Africa trying to bring peace to savages who've been waring and killing each other since the beginning of time? While a vast majority of the people want to be peaceful, productive, educated citizens, their brutal, dictatorial rulers keep them mired in poverty, hopelessness, and despair. The few elected official that exist in these war-torn nations are hopelessly corrupt such that any aid from outside is consumed by the government and it's friends...not the people.

I would support a clandestine, arms-supply program for any competent faction who demonstrated the will to overthrow, regardless of how bloody it's likely to be, the sitting dictators who rule with corruption and violence. But we don't need to waste more money, and now lives, than we already do in a place where it does no good.


  1. Kinda reminds me of something called operation Iraqi Freedom -now I not sure what it has morphed into. Like Africa trying to "bring peace to savages who've been waring and killing each other since the beginning of time" was the way I thought of it. The whole middle east in fact. And how much money have we spent? And what have we really accomplished? I say nothing. AND WE ARE STILL THERE!!!

  2. The only difference I see between the two is there is no terrorism toward America being launched or funded from Africa. We literally have no interests there. At least in the middle east there's taking the fight to the terrorists and insuring the oil continues to flow into our gas tanks....which by the way, I think is a perfectly valid reason for killing a bunch of crazed Muslims who would stop it just to harm the US. When our way of life is at stake, kill whomever we have to, to keep it secure. If we had no need for middle-east oil, then I wouldn't care what they do to each other....much like my attitude toward Africa today.
    I'm reprehensible piece of crap, I know it.

  3. You are a fool. Learn about the history Africa before you right such ignorant comments like calling all Africans savages who've been waring and killing each other since the beginning of time.. How foolish of you to spread such misinformation. That is an outright lie.

    The only way somebody could say such nonsense is because he is too lazy to pick up a book and learn about the history of Africa and gets all of his information from other fools. therefore an epodemic of foolish people go around roaming the earth spreading their ignorance.

    You then go on to say "a vast majority of the people want to be peaceful, productive, educated citizens". Well which one is it?? Are we savages or peaceful, productive and educated citizens?? Did you not see the stupidity of your writing when you were writing it?? Did you not think how stupid your thoughts were when you were thinking them??

    You did get one thing right though, it is the corrupt Government leaders who are retarding the advancement of the continent of Africa.

    Oh and by the way.. Isn't the whole point of sending troops anywhere to bring about peace?? Is that not the reason they exist?? Isn't that the whole point of joining the army?? that is to say, why would you send an army to a place that didn't need it??

    You are misguided, misinformed and ignorant. The problem with that, is that you and people like you love to spread your ignorance to other foolish people who love nothing more than to eat it up. Educate yourself, and come back with knowledge.

  4. While I agree that US military intervention is certainly not the best solution to African conflicts, the garbage you've spewed out in this hack of a blog entry is troubling at best. If you actually believe what you have written, please seek psychiatric assistance.

  5. My whole point is that even though the people of Africa want the same things that all peace-loving, free people want, it's the thug rulers and tribesmen that control everything in most of Africa. Change in Africa must come from within, not from America. Nigeria is proving that. You tell my fellas, why isn't every country in Africa setting the same example that Nigeria is? It's because the tribal warfare will cease only when the tribes want it to cease. Thug dictators will be driven out of power only when the people rise up and drive them out. Sure, the US can kill you dictator for you but, another one will take his place, and another until the people stop it. Do you really want our military occupying your country while the the frustration and misery boils under the surface just waiting for us to leave so the thugs can get back to killing each other? And the purpose of sending in troops is to bring about peace but, only indirectly. The troops are there first to kill a lot of people and blow things up. Only when one side of a battle has lost, can there be true peace.

  6. The people of Africa have not been warring since the beginning of time. On the contrary, all of these political problems and instability arose after the European powers sat down in 1890 to split Africa among themselves to colonize, drain of its resources, and reap the benefits for themselves. 1000s of indigenous African tribes had been living peacefully up until the time Europe decided to completely disregard the fact that each tribe had its own boundaries and legal rules. They shoved all the tribes in the same land and told them to basically get along, completely toppling the existing power system. Then, as European countries' power diminished during the world wars, decolonization left Africa in shambles. The genocide in Rwanda is just one example of the direct result of European interference. As a role model to other countries and as a country with the power to influence and take action, the United stated should not stand by watching as genocides take place in Africa. Get your facts straight before you make ignorant, angry claims. We're all human beings. How would you feel if you were born in a warring African country and the rest of the world adopted such an indifferent attitude toward your situation?

  7. Perhaps you should seriously consider taking some basic history or international relations classes before you attempt such a infantile attempt at explaining the political situation in Africa. The reason Africa is and has been such a mess is directly linked to its being carved up into colonies by the West. Most African tribes were ,up until this point, nomadic peoples who depended on old migration routes for food and water. The European colonists succeeded in disrupting these routes in order to further their own interests in the land. The Congo is a perfect example of a country rich in natural resources that has ,because of western interests in the area, become lawless and brutal. If you do enough research and attempt to leave your obvious bigotry out of the equation you will probably come to the inevitable realization that U.S and European money is inextricably tied to many of the funding behind some of Africa's most brutal campaigns. The war on terror for example has funded Ethiopia's dictator and enabled his horrific military campaigns.

  8. Without a doubt Hoover, I am a dick! But that doesn't change the fact that rampant government corruption and tribal warfare(regardless of it's causes), prevents much good at all coming from the pouring of money into the situation. Zimbabwe is the perfect example. It used to be the bread-basket of Africa until Mugabe took power, kicked all the white people out of the country, gave their farms to his useless buddies, and now it's a God-forsaken hell-hole. What good could possibly come from giving aid to that country?

  9. I feel really REALLY sad that you actually believe that. You should try to be a better person. I bet you call yourself a "Christian" too. I hope you see the light.

  10. I feel really REALLY sad that you actually believe that. You should try to be a better person. I bet you call yourself a "Christian" too. I hope you see the light.

  11. "I would support a clandestine, arms-supply program for any competent faction who demonstrated the will to overthrow, regardless of how bloody it's likely to be, the sitting dictators who rule with corruption and violence."

    Unfortunately, this kind of policy is one of the causes of wars in third world countries, not the solution. Africa and the Middle East are awash in cheap weapons left over from the Cold War.

    During the Cold War both the US and the USSR had "clandestine, arms-supply program". One of the people to receive arms and training from those clandestine programs Osama Bin-Laden. Yeah, that didn't work so well. Injecting more weapons into a war zone is not a good plan.
